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Doom II levels

These levels are compatible with the original DOS Doom 2. They will also run fine in any source port, such as ZDoom. Each level comes with a text file containing a secrets guide.

If you don't own Doom 2, specifically the doom2.wad file, you can use Freedoom Phase 2 to play these levels instead.

How to play a level:
Most modern source ports allow you to simply drag and drop the level onto the game executable.

Alternatively, add the levels to your Doom 2 directory and start the game with the -file parameter. An easy way to do this in Windows is to create a shortcut to the game, and add this after the filename: -file levelname.wad
Example: "c:\doom2\doom2.exe -file rgcage.wad"

 Cage Match (Version 1)

Music: Omnidirectional Ass-Kicking by James Paddock

Enter a demonic pit fight with nothing but your berserk-packing fists! Press the switch in the back of the cage to summon your next opponent. Survive and reach the exit by any means necessary to win your freedom - unless you want to challenge the Title Bout.

Note: It is recommended to play this level in ZDoom or GZDoom, as landing your punches is easier in those source ports. (Make sure the "Use Doom code for hitscan checks" compatibility option is turned off).

 Dark Peak (Version 2)

Music: Centrifuge by James Paddock

A small level set in a dark mountain base. It's partially the result of experimenting with custom textures and room-over-room effects, though these are only interesting if you know about Doom's limitations.

Two tricks and an optical illusion are used in the southern part of the level for the stairs and lifts that lead underground, while the criss-crossing path in the easternmost area and the main underground tunnel use two variations of a similar trick. Note that most of these will look weird if you look up or down in source ports that allow it, and some of them will break in co-op.

 Evilcore (Version 4)

Music: Demonic Teleporter by Urrova

This small arena evolves as you press switches and fight increasingly challenging waves of demons. Health and ammo is plentiful, but not too much so. Trying to beat this as fast as possible comes down to a balance between cleaning up the current mess of enemies and letting the next waves in. If you don't know what to do next, look for switches or brightly lit areas.

 Citywars (Version 8)

Music: When Hell Freezes Over by Santtu "MF38" Pesonen

You are a single soldier sent to reclaim a city occupied by demons. The monsters have split into three "gangs": the Grunts, the Knights, and the Mancubi, each gang controlling one part of the city. You must eliminate each one in turn and proceed to the next with a keycard found deep within their headquarters. Finally, you must find and destroy the mastermind of the city.

 Assault (Version 10)

Music: Hell Ascends by Santtu "MF38" Pesonen

Inspired by Team17's Tower Assault, this level has you storming a heavily guarded tower. It's quite basic and flat, being one of my first Doom levels from 2003, and ammo is somewhat tight on the higher difficulties.

 Carnage (Version 9)

Music: Zone 300 Map23 by Paul Corfiatis

A flat, straightforward level that is divided into six zones, or corridors. Each zone has optional rooms (white doors), a control room (green doors), and a connection to the next zone (red doors). Originally one of my first Doom levels from 2003.

 Cyberpac (Version 5)

Music: Riff by Doomkid

Pac-Man in Doom! Run through the maze collecting 30 Megaspheres. Once you have them all, the outermost walls will open to reveal the exit. The higher the difficulty, the more Cyberdemons go after you!

Technical trivia: this level works by each Megasphere being surrounded by four carefully placed linedefs that trigger crushers in an area outside the map, each one containing a Keen doll. This uses a hardcoded sector tag in Doom opening like a door when all Keens are dead. No more than 30 crushers can be active in vanilla Doom, hence the 30 Megaspheres.

 Icon (Version 6)

Music: Zone 300 Title by Paul Corfiatis

My own version of the game's final level. It's simple in design, but finding the switches to flick requires you to go back and forth between two areas divided by a chasm. On the two highest difficulty levels, the Icon will spawn twice as many enemies, so you'd better be quick about it!

Technical trivia: the reason there's a barrel at the beginning is so you must fire and "wake up" the main room where the monsters will be spawned, which is connected through sectors so the sound can propagate there.

 Custom textures

These are the custom flats, textures and skies I made for my Doom 2 levels. Many are edits of existing textures. You can use these in your own levels, edit them, or do whatever you want with them.