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Castle of Elite - Official game guide

Introduction - Basics - Solutions - Secrets - Trivia


The four Secret levels
These are unlocked by completing the 12 main levels in each difficulty.
Secret 1: Jumpman is based on NES Donkey Kong.
Secret 2: Mountain climber is based on the NES Ice Climber.
Secret 3: Ancient palace is based on NES Zelda II: Adventure of Link.
Secret 4: Temple in the sky is based on NES Kid Icarus.

Extended Secret level
In Secret 4: Temple in the sky, right-click to destroy one of the top-right blocks, which is sitting out of place. Go through the hole to enter the only sidescrolling level in the game, which references various parts from Kid Icarus.

The five Extra levels
Extra 1: Crowstone is unlocked by entering the hidden goal in 1-8.
Extra 2: Chimaera is unlocked by entering the hidden goal in 2-8.
Extra 3: Hydra is unlocked by entering the hidden goal in Secret 3.
Extra 4: Eyrie is unlocked by entering the hidden goal in 4-4.
Extra 5: The End is unlocked by completing every previous main, Secret and Extra level in the game.

Cheat codes
Type these codes while playing a level. They also work in custom levels.
RGIOSA - Invincibility. Going out of bounds is still fatal.
RGCELL - Infinite Brick Symbol placement.
RGMOON - Moon jump (hold Up to fly).
RGCLIP - Walk through walls horizontally.
RGGIVE - Get a random Brick Symbol.
RGWISH - Complete the current level.
RGFIND - Enter the current level's secret exit, if there is one.
RGTILT - Scramble the block graphics. Type again to unscramble.

Alternate ending
Complete all 48 main levels (Secret and Extra levels don't matter) to get a different ending. All the outfits from the Secret levels will be displayed here as well.

Best ending
Complete every main, Secret and Extra level in the game to get the best ending, which unlocks the Wizard outfit and shows you all the cheat codes. You also get a tiny fireworks display in the ending picture.

Secret outfits
Your character will get special outfits in the Secret levels, based on the game the Secret level references. Beat a Secret level to permanently unlock its outfits, allowing you to use them in the rest of the game as well.

The Wizard outfit is unlocked by completing every main, Secret and Extra level in the game.